Abstract: In our town persistently we tend to see that the garbage bins or dustbins placed at public places are overflowing. It creates unsanitary conditions for people. Conjointly it creates ugliness to it place. At a similar time unhealthy smell is additionally unfold. To avoid all such things we are attending to implement a project referred to as garbage collection bin overflow indicator mistreatment GSM and IOT technology. During this project we tend to area unit attending to place level detector within the ash-bin. Once the dirt reaches to the threshold value, a SMS will be sent to the several Municipal / Government authority person with location of that dirt bin by mistreatment GPS. Or usually we tend to see that they need a daily schedule of finding out these garbage bins or dustbins. This schedule varies as per the population of that place. But we tend to see that just in case there's some competition or some perform, a lot of garbage material is generated by people therein specific space. In such cases the garbage dustbin gets at once full so it overflows that creates several issues. Therefore in things, with facilitate of our project the govt. authority person will get SMS at once. So that they can get SMS before their periodic interval visit of finding out the dustbin.

Keywords: ARM 7, GSM, GPS, Level sensor, Garbage overflow indicator etc.